Basic Kali Linux Training

“Kali Linux” is one of the popular operating systems preferred by cyber security experts and penetration testers. Thanks to the toolkits it hosts, it becomes more attractive than other Linux distributions for penetration testing and other cybersecurity studies. It explains the basics of the Kali Linux operating system and how it is used during penetration tests with examples.


Who is this training for?

Cyber Security experts, network experts, system administrators and candidates who want to perform penetration tests.

Training Duration

  • 2 Days

Requirements for Training

  • No prerequisites are needed for this training.

Certification & Achievements

  • UITSEC International Certificate of Participation
  • Basics of Kali Linux operation system

Training Topics

  • Introduction to Kali Linux
    • What is Kali Linux?
      What Is Its Relation With Debian?
      Usage Area and Purpose
      Installation and Configuration
  • Basic Kali Linux Knowledge
    • Terminal
    • Useful Commands
  • Kali Linux System and File Architecture
    • Services and usage areas
      Editors (vi, vim)
      file system
  • Secure Kali Linux Configuration
     Network Configuration
    • User Management and Authorization Service
    • Management and Authorizations
  • Offensive Security with Kali Linux Tools
    • Overview of Information Gathering Tools
      Overview of Vulnerability Analysis Tools
      Overview of Web Application Analysis Tools
      Overview of Password Attack Tools
      Overview of Sniffing and Spoofing Tools