Source Code Analysis

Source code analysis is a set of methods performed by professionals to determine whether the software complies with the S-SDLC (Secure Software Development Life-Cycle) ecosystem. These methods are carried out by examining the source code statically and dynamically from a cyber security perspective.

With static source code analysis, logical errors and security problems on the source code are detected. The security errors and deficiencies made during the creation phase of the software are examined by experts who have experience in security vulnerabilities. Static source code analysis aims to focus on the following concepts.

Although an inclusive study is carried out with static source code analysis, the security of your source code needs to be tested dynamically. With the tests performed by compiling the source code, it should be ensured that the program and the work particles do not pose a problem in terms of safety while working. Monitoring the data flow processes and identifying the vulnerabilities that may occur on the memory is the most important part of this process.

With this safety test, which makes an important contribution to the detection of 0-day (Day zero) safety vulnerabilities, the following areas, especially OWASP-TOP10, are tested.

  • • Data Validation
  • • Authentication
  • • Session Management
  • • Authorization
  • • Cryptography
  • • Error Handling
  • • Logging
  • • Security Configuration
  • • Network Architecture

Each security problem detected on the source code is presented as a solution and recommendation with the best practice that is safe, up-to-date and applicable.

With UITSEC's world-class cyber security expertise, experience and technical infrastructure, you can perform secure source code analysis on your source codes and publish your software safely worldwide.